Thursday, May 09, 2013

International Yarn Bombing Day June 8, 2013

Join our Facebook Event Page to collaborate with other Yarnbombers!

The Third International Yarn Bombing Day is coming up in a month and we are super EXCITED! Since March people have been asking what we are cooking up ... well, we're organizing a Buffet (so to speak). 
What is Yarn Bombing? Yarn Bombing is a type of guerilla or graffiti knitting, a kind street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre, rather than paint or chalk. Some people refer to it as 'knitting in the wild.'

From June 1 to 8th, we are going to yarn bomb our neighbourhood, and we want YOU to join us!  It doesn't have to be anything big, tiny little 'tags' are just fine. Think of a little crochet flower hanging from a cross-walk button or a small strip sewn to a pole. You can even tie a pom-pom or even just string around a post. If you want/have the time to go big, please do! The result will be a proliferation of whimsical fibre 'graffiti' that takes over the neighbourhood, creating a happy spring experience for all the members of our community.  

There are no aesthetic restrictions, make what you want, as much as you want, and put it up when you can. My only request is 'Do No Harm' and use good judgement.  Please don't hurt any plants, we don't want another Trinity Bellwoods Yarn Tree scandal. Also, I don't suggest yarn bombing private property, unless it's your property or you have permission from the owner. 

What: Yarn Bombing!

When: June 1 to 8, 2013
Where: Your Neighbourhood
Why: FUN!

Yarn Bombing in Canada

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